The Numerous Health Advantages of Water

by Umar Sallau, MD


By Umar Sallau, MD | October 10, 2022

Water or ma'a, is mentioned in the Qur'an more than any other food,—over 100 times. It is referenced more often than all the beverages and plants combined, in fact! Is it surprising that the Qur'an says that water is the source of life? The Noble Prophet (on whom be peace) also describes it as a purifier (Sahih Bukhari).

Allah The Exalted says;

Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and then We separated them and made from water every living thing. Then will they not believe?  (Al Anbiya’ Qur’an 21:30)

Insha'Allah, I'll touch on the above verse in this article by outlining a few of water's health advantages. Let's go over the basics so we can see Allah's Mercy despite our shortcomings.


*The Health Benefits of Drinking Water: The Importance of Water

*Tips for Adding More Water to Your Diet, Part IV


Water is a vital component of our lives and offers a wealth of advantages. Water has many purposes, including keeping us hydrated and eliminating pollutants from our bodies. It might be simple to forget to drink enough water during the day when we live in a world where we are constantly on the go. However, drinking adequate water has its own set of advantages, including but not limited to weight loss, increased mental clarity (approximately 75% of your brain is made up of water), and reduced weariness  (approximately 79% of your blood is made up of water). Whatever your motivation, increasing your water intake has a number of health advantages that make it well worth your time.

II. Water's Vital Role

For human survival, water is crucial. Water is essential for the healthy operation of every cell, tissue, and organ in our body. Water not only makes up a significant portion of our bodies (roughly 70%), but it is also required for almost every process that occurs within us. Water is involved in everything, from food digestion to delivering nutrients and oxygen to our cells. We are simply "designed bags" of water that are propelled by the soul.

For our health and wellbeing, water is essential. In addition to keeping us hydrated, it also helps to regulate our metabolism, eliminate toxins from our systems, and promote digestion. Water can also increase our energy and cognitive function. Of course, it's crucial for keeping a healthy weight as well.

The fact that water keeps us hydrated is, of course, its most obvious advantage. Even slight dehydration can cause lethargy, headaches, and other health issues since every cell in our body needs water to function properly. Additionally, water is crucial for removing poisons from our bodies.

 Our kidneys can filter out waste and pollutants from our blood at their peak efficiency when we are well-hydrated. Water also supports regular bowel movements, which facilitate the removal of pollutants. Toxin buildup is connected to a variety of ailments! This scientific discovery provides more context for the Hadith of the Noble Prophet ( ) that refers to water as "a purifier." Bayhaqi and Sahih Bukhari 

Water also helps control our metabolism. Our body turns food into energy through a process called metabolism. Furthermore, drinking water can really speed up our metabolism.

In addition to being crucial for our metabolism, drinking adequate water is also crucial for our general health and wellbeing. We can benefit from a wide range of advantages that enhance our quality of life by including more water in our meals.

The next time you find yourself reaching for a soda or cup of coffee, think about these suggestions and go for water instead. Your body will appreciate it!

In reality, there are numerous benefits to making sure we get enough water each day. It would be impossible to include all of water's health advantages in a single article. A brief summary of one of the most significant resources in the world can only be provided in this article. Here are just a few more of water's numerous health advantages:

  1. The Health Advantages of Water Consumption


  1. Digestion
  2. Aids in reducing blood pressure
  3. Sof skin
  4. Enhanced immunity
  5. Higher energy levels
  6. Less exhaustion
  7. Lessens sprains and cramps
  8. Fights diseases
  9. Helps keep the body temperature stable.
  10. Prevents or lessens headaches
  11. Mental focus and clarity
  12. Rejuvenation
  13. Protects the joints.
  14. Facilitates bowel movements
  15. Losing weight
  16. Reduces the likelihood of kidney stones
  17. Reduces the likelihood of urinary tract infections


Guidelines for Including More Water in Your Diet


  1. Get water bottle and always carry one with you.
  2. Establish regular water intake targets and monitor your results.
  3. Add fruits, herbs, or spices to your water for a revitalizing twist.
  4. Unless you have a kidney issue, you may hydrate yourself with a glass of water first thing in the morning.
  5. To help you eat less, have a glass of water 15 to 20 minutes before each meal.
  6. Consume foods that are high in water content, such as berries, melons, cucumbers, and tomatoes. (See Ar-Rahman,  Qur'an 55:11)
  7. Don’t wait to be thirsty before drinking water.
  8. Limit other drinks that can dehydrate you, such as coffee and soda.
  9. If you don't want to wake up in the middle of the night because you're thirsty, you can drink a glass of water one to two hours before bedtime.

IV. Conclusion

Water has various health advantages, including reduced fatigue, increased mental acuity, and weight loss. To maintain optimum hydration, it's crucial to consume enough water. To make it simple to drink water throughout the day, try taking a reusable water bottle with you. For a refreshing variation, you can also add lemon, lime, fruits, herbs, or spices to your water. To help you meet your daily water intake goals, drink a glass of water before each meal and right after you wake up. Reduce your intake of other beverages that can dehydrate you and consume more foods that are high in water content. Consume enough water to maintain your general health and well-being. By adding more water to your meals, you can enjoy a wide range of benefits that improve your quality of life.

Which of your Lord's favors do you deny? Ar-Rahman (Qur'an 55:12)


Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, The Interpretation of the Noble Qur’an in the English language

The Qur’an English Meaning and notes by Saheeh International

Imam Ibn Qayyim, The Prophetic Medicine

Umar Sallau, M.D., Get Healthy With The Qur’anic Superfoods (forthcoming, in sha Allah)



Regardless of the date, the information on this website is for informational purposes only and shouldn't be used as a substitute for consulting a doctor.