Why Is Pomegranate Touted As a Superfood?

by Umar Sallau, MD

Allah the Healer mentions pomegranate thrice in Al-Qur’an; twice in An’aam Qur’an 6:99 and 6:141 as a provision out of His Mercy and in Ar-Rahman (Qur’an 55:68) as a special fruit for the People of Paradise. Science is now discovering the amazing benefits of this special fruit, which is now listed among the super foods.

Pomegranate, which is usually in season from October throughout January, is a fruit with many health benefits. Not only do they have great taste, but the juice from this delicious citrus-looking treat can actually help support your immune system and brain function!

Pomegranates have been used as a remedy for centuries to help support health and vitality. These unique fruits are full of potential benefits that can impact your daily life from immunity, brain function, heart strength all the way down into glowing skin!

Read about what we know today on their many nutritional qualities and benefits.

Nutrient Powerhouse

Pomegranate is a fruit that has been around for centuries, and it's no wonder why. With its rich flavor profile packed with fiber, minerals, and vitamins, pomegranate is now regarded as a super food. In addition, this small pink seeds inside of an aril (the edible portion) make up some high-quality protein! The only downside might be removing all those juicy little pieces from their inner flesh.


Pomegranate is a fruit that has been used for centuries as an Elixir of Life. It contains many antioxidants, which protect your cells from free radical damage and give you the energy to take on life's challenges!

Pomegranate is a superfood that not only taste great, but they also have tons of health benefits. Picking up one pomegranate can give you more antioxidants than five oranges or 10 red apples!


The latest research suggests that pomegranates might be a beneficial food for the prevention of chronic inflammation-related diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, reports the journals, Hindawi and Journal of Nutritional Science, respectively.

Pomegranates are a fantastic addition to your diet if you want the best of both worlds - they're rich in organic acids but low on sugar. They contain compounds that may help prevent chronic inflammation associated with increased disease risk,


Pomegranate has been observed to have a variety of effects that can help prevent or slow cancer progression. The fruit's juice and stem are both anticarcinogenic, but further research is needed before we know for certain how they work together in fighting tumors cells

A study was performed on pomegranates which found it reduced inflammation as well because there were fewer inflammatory bowel disease symptoms when people ate them compared with those who did not eat any at all!

Pomegranate is a fruit that may have anticancer effects. It can slow tumor growth and spread, reduce inflammation in the body as well according to some research studies but more work needs to be done on this topic before we know for sure if pomegranate does actually help with cancer treatment or prevention

Heart Health

Pomegranates have been proven to reduce blood pressure and inflammation in the arteries, help fight plaque buildup that can lead a heart attack or stroke. They also work towards relieving chest pains caused by an irregular heartbeat!

Pomegranate extract shows promise for being able relieve various ailments such as high cholesterol levels which is one of many reasons why they are so beneficial. In fact, pomegranate is a popular fruit for its many health benefits. One of these is the ability of pomegranate  to reduce blood pressure and inflammation in your arteries while also fighting plaque buildup leading to heart attacks or strokes!

Kidney Health

Pomegranate is a fruit that may help reduce the risk of kidney stones. It contains antioxidants which have been shown to be effective against this painful and sometimes fatal condition!

Pomegranate extract is being looked at for its potential to reduce the risk of kidney stones. This could be due in part because it has antioxidant properties, which combat free radicals and other molecules that can cause damage to our bodies.


Pomegranates are an excellent source of compounds that help fight off potentially harmful bacteria, fungi and yeasts — particularly germs in your mouth which can cause bad breath as well as tooth decay.

Pomegranate is a fruit that contains compounds to help fight off potentially harmful bacteria, fungi and yeasts. These antioxidants can protect you from germs in your mouth which cause bad breath as well as tooth decay!


The juicy, sweet pomegranate is a familiar fruit to many people. But did you know that this delicious treat contains compounds which may improve exercise endurance and recovery?

Pomegranates are a powerful endurance booster that can help you work out longer and harder.


Pomegranate is a popular food brain health. The polyphenols (naturally occurring compounds) found in pomegranate may protect against Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson's disease as well help recover from traumatic head injuries or other neurological damage!

Pomegranate compounds have been found to protect brain health, especially when it comes to Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson's. They can also help with recovery from injury!

Digestive Health

Pomegranate is known for its many health benefits. It has been shown to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, promote healthy gut bacteria and help prevent certain conditions that affect your digestion such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or Crohn’s disease! One cup of berries offers you more than three dozen different vitamins including vitamin C which helps fight off against harmful free radicals inside your body caused by environmental damage like pollution particles floating through traffic fumes.

Pomegranate is one of the most amazing fruit plants you'll ever come across. Not only are its arils rich in fiber, but they also contain compounds that can promote healthy gut bacteria and reduce inflammation in your digestive tract, which is considered as your second brain!